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Topics - Rad

Pages: [1]
Discussion - EVE / Picture transparency on another picture
« on: April 02, 2024, 08:53:37 AM »

I am trying to draw some pictures on another background (white/black color) on another background picture. However I am not able to make the overlaying picture with its background  being transparent.

The closest result I obtain with :
1. draw background image (ACTS),
3. draw overlaying picrute.

But a problem is that the second picture is only visible with some transparency on dark areas of background image.

Can anyone advise how to achieve it?

Thanks in advance

Discussion - EVE / How often and when read REG_TOUCH_TAG
« on: February 08, 2024, 08:20:23 AM »

as in the subject:
is there any practical/theoretical redord/order when and how often REG_TOUCH_TAG can be read?

Once, testing some code I (mistakenly) read this reg every 1 millisecond and noticed that EVE started to crash. It took me a while to get it noticed that I do it too often.

Another point is about then this reg should be read:
can it be read anytime or rather once EVE finishes processing a freame buffer and REG_CMD_WRITE = REG_CMD_READ ?

Discussion - EVE / Reading Tag vs External Clock
« on: January 15, 2024, 09:40:46 AM »

In my recent project I use Riverdi RVT70HSBNWC00 (BT817Q), Arduino Maga and modified old Bridgetek FT800 library.

The problem I am facing now is reading the touch Tag when EVE is feed from the external crystal (HostCommand(FT_CLKEXT) followed by HostCommand(FT_ACTIVE) - w/o freq adjustment).
There is no a such problem when the internal clock is used (HostCommand(FT_CLKINT) followed by HostCommand(FT_ACTIVE) ).

The display behaves as normal, just the touch does not.

Any idea what could be the problem/fix?

Thanks in advance

Discussion - EVE / Displaing an image from flash
« on: August 01, 2023, 07:21:29 AM »
Hi there,

I am struggling to perform the above action. I did the steps as follow:
1. using EAB (v2.8.0 ), Image util. tab - converted image with COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_4x4_KHR
2. using EAB (v2.8.0 ), Flash util. tab - added ".raw", and generated .bin file (with result as in the attachment)
and updated & verified an external flash of BT817 (EAB with MPSSE module is capable to detect flash and change to flash to FAST mode).
3. with STM32 MCU, after EVE init (flash in BASE state) - tried to display image with code:
cmd_setbitmap(0x800000 | 4160/32, COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_4x4_KHR, 528, 304);
cmd(VERTEX2II(10, 10, 0, 0));

but only blank screen is visible...
Smaller picture also does not help.

What could be wrong, how to detect the root cause and how to fix it?

Is there a possibility to read image from flash in another way?

I was able to upload a small image data via SPI into RAM_G and then display it successfully (same code but cmd_setbitmap(0,COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_4x4_KHR, 52, 30) ).

With CMD_ FlashRead(0, 0, 4096) used and then reading RAM_G (with Rd8() - the same function as when reading chip ID - from addr 0 onwards) the returned values are just "FF"s for quite long part of memory (while bolb file starts with 70 DF...). While EAB flash utility reads same values as in the file flash was written with.

No idea what happens here...

Discussion - EVE / Cold start problem with Arduino
« on: September 15, 2021, 08:47:31 AM »
Hi there,

I have noticed that in many demo codes (martix-orbital, riverdi, generic, etc) eve works right after firmware being uploaded (or restart button pressed), but after Arduino board was powered off and we have just power it back then nothing is displayed.

I have no idea what exactly happens, but for sure at this state EVE does not respond to SPI transmissions...

Tested on Arduino Mega with EVE FT812.

Anyone have a clue what is the reason and a work around?

Discussion - EVE / Widget limit
« on: March 17, 2021, 05:26:48 AM »
Hi there,

I am trying to place on one screen approx 50 tagged push buttons , however I think there is some kind of limitation same with EVE1,EVE2,EVE3. With the same code I am able to display up to approx 30 buttons on one display frame.
Please can you advice what it the limitation and if there is a way to place much more tagged push buttons (50..100)?

Thank you in advance.

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