General Category > Discussion - EVE

EAB problem with astcenc.exe

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The needle is 600(W)x530(H) It is a red needle going vertically from about 300px down from top plus a filled circular centre area in grey. The remainder is transparent. The overall size allows the needle to display through about 270 degrees with a rotation matrix applied. (Rotated images appear to be cropped outside the original rectangular bitmap size if not rotated).

It appears that the whole area below the image comes out as pink which shows in the opposite top corner when the needle is pointing to the bottom left or bottom right. I will try making the image bigger to see if this solves this issue.

The settings for image conversion are BT81x (using at BT817) and exhaustive (tried all and get the same result).
For the flash utility Data alignment is ticked as is insert EDF block.
I've so far tried 4x4, 5x5 and 8x8 formats. Each one has differences in artifacts.

The binary file is copied to the flash as-is. The blob appears to work as the flash switches to fast ok.

On start up, each image is copied to RAM starting on a 4K boundary for each. Padding is ignored at this stage as the images all start on a 4K boundary.


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