General Category > Discussion - EVE

List of QSPI FLASH Chips for BT81x

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Hi Rudolph, you can add MT25QL01GBBB to the list (specifically tested MT25QL01GBBB1EW9-0SIT):

Manufacturer   Chip   Size(MBit)   Detect   Erase   Read/Write   CMD_FLASHFAST
Micron   MT25QL01GBBB   1024   Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes

I added the MT25QL01GBBB, thank you, but I wonder if it actually works properly since I saw in the datasheet that it uses two 512MBit dies in the package.

But now I wonder what Flash exactly is Riverdi using on their EVE4 modules.
My RVT70HSBNWC00-B is populated with a chip from Micron, the markings are "MT" "IGA17", "RW213" and "FBNP".
My RVT50HSBNWC00-B is populated with a chip from Micron, the markings are "MT" "IIA17", "RW213" and "JBRQ".
My RVT101HSBNWC00-B is populated with a chip from Micron, the markings are "MT" "0DA17", "RW256" and "J2F1".
All do have BGA cases.

A quick search for Micron 512MBit flash chips did not tell me what devices exactly these are.


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