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Topics - Cyrilou

Pages: [1] 2
Discussion - EVE / What are the correct settings for my screen?
« on: May 24, 2024, 02:20:11 PM »

I'm experiencing some glitches on my screen of my device sometimes.

Could you help me to set REG values for display initialization with attached files?

      PIXVOFFSET = ?
      PIXHOFFSET = ?
      HCYCLE = ?
      HOFFSET = ?
      HSYNC0 = ?
      HSYNC1 = ?
      VCYCLE = ?
      VOFFSET = ?
      VSYNC0 = ?
      VSYNC1 = ?
      PCLK = ?
      SWIZZLE = ?
      PCLK_POL = ?
      HSIZE = 480;   //ok
      VSIZE = 272;   //ok
      CSPREAD = ?
      DITHER = ?

System clock is 72MHz.


Discussion - EVE / How can I get image height and width after cmd_inflate?
« on: February 22, 2024, 11:11:27 AM »

I written in EVE flash blob file, map file and a zlib image that can be variable.

I inflate image in RAM_G, but when I use CMD_SETBITMAP to display it, I must know Height and Width properties that can be variables.

How can I get this properties, since CMD_GETPROPS doesn't work on  CMD_INFLATE but on CMD_LOADIMAGE?? :-\


Why this menu disappeared?
It was vvery helpfull for me. How can I do now with new version for eclipse project types?


Discussion - EVE / ESD 4.16 type ft_argb32_t disappeared
« on: April 27, 2023, 03:19:16 PM »

I've just installed this version but I don't find ft_argb32_t type on selection list of a variable for example. Is it normal?


Discussion - EVE / Disable AUDIO_L output signal
« on: March 01, 2023, 03:15:42 PM »

I'd like to disable this output by software because screen emits 20db peak on spectrum analyser on near field with ffc20 ribbon. This is problematic for CE certification.

When I cut AUDIO_L line on FFC20 ribbon on screen side, it's ok! But I need a software solution.

What should I try?

If I disable audio engine (reg_cpureset=4), output is still active.

What in theory could OFF AUDIO_L pin, I see nothing in BT815 datasheet, there is always 30Mhz sinusoidal signal in idle (no sounds played).

Thank you.

Discussion - EVE / Bitmap truncated randomly
« on: November 09, 2022, 03:35:14 PM »

I'm using ESD and sometimes fonts or ESD_images are truncated when I'm doing slide animations.
I've localized where is the problem:
In file Esd_Render_Bitmap.c:

void Esd_CoDl_Bitmap_Vertex(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint8_t handle, uint16_t cell)
   EVE_HalContext *phost = Esd_GetHost();
   if ((EVE_CHIPID >= EVE_FT810) && (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= 512 || y >= 512))
      EVE_CoDl_vertexFormat(phost, 0);
      EVE_CoDl_bitmapHandle(phost, handle);
      Esd_CoDl_PagedBitmapSource(handle, cell >> 7);
      EVE_CoDl_cell(phost, cell & 0x7F);
      EVE_CoCmd_dl(phost, VERTEX2F(x, y));
      Esd_CoDl_PagedBitmapSource(handle, cell >> 7);
      EVE_CoCmd_dl(phost, VERTEX2II(x, y, handle, cell));

When I comment VERTEX2II part of code, bitmap are not truncated, otherwise I loose bottom of the bitmap randomly with slide animations.

How can we explain this? Is something missing in dl commands?

Discussion - EVE / EVE screen designer cpu use
« on: May 20, 2022, 03:56:04 PM »
Hi all,

When ESD is running and rendering UI elements, Emulatorprocess.exe is using 100% of the CPU. Can you reduce that? I think your QT main task doesn't use sleep function to authorize idle time for other tasks.


I have a background with a gradient of blue.
I'd like to write a text with a gradient of white with transparency.
CMD_GRADIENTA seems to not work to do this because it makes a gradient of colors also.

any ideas?


Discussion - EVE / center text vertically with OPT_FILL
« on: July 21, 2021, 04:24:14 PM »

If I use cmd_text to display a long text with OPT_FILL|OPT_CENTER, text is not centered on Y position in multiline mode (no \n used). I'm using a custom FONT in ram. Text is centered only on the first line of the text.
How can I do to center the entire group of lines?

Discussion - EVE / Fonts in progmem declared as static
« on: June 30, 2021, 10:32:35 AM »

Why fonts in PROGMEM ressource type  are declared as static array? In general MCU have a little space in RAM, and with that my RAM is full. Const declaration would be a best choice right?

Discussion - EVE / ESD image rotate widget not rotating?
« on: June 23, 2021, 03:10:52 PM »
Hi ,

I'm using this widget to rotate a PNG icon but when I update RotateAngle property it doesn't rotate.
Also, this widget is not described in documentation. Does it works?

Hi all!

I'd like to initialise screen in my boot with the EVE "lite" library to display some error codes or logos. But when bootloader jumps to app, which uses ESD library, how can I detect that screen is already initialized to avoid the glitch of init? What source code can I implement in ESD init to avoid this secondary init?


Discussion - EVE / font conversion height problem
« on: June 02, 2021, 04:23:33 PM »

I use poppins.ttf font in my ESD project.
But when I convert it height of character '3' is higher than character '2'. Same problem with '8'.
See attached picture...

PS: In microsoft word font is displayed correctly.

Discussion - EVE / Display spinner manually in ESD?
« on: May 26, 2021, 03:01:03 PM »

I'd like to display spinner with ESD but this widget is not available, only for long loadings. How can I display it manually?

Actually, Libraries folder is in C:\Program files\EVE Screen Designer. How can I move it to other place without break ESD functionnalities. Can I add a entry in register or an *.ini file?

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