General Category > Discussion - EVE

screensaver bitmap out of screen

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BRT Community:

Thanks for sharing these, I have tested the CMD_ScreenSaver widget in our main sample app with these settings and can see roughly the same behaviour you are seeing. I believe the movement of the image is hardcoded, but I will clarify this with the development team.

Best Regards,
BRT Community

BRT Community:

The development team confirmed this is an known issue of cmd_screensaver.  Not all the coordinates on display are used for the drawing operation in the MACRO command for screensaver purposes.
However, to implement custom style screensaver, you can update the REG_MACRO_0 periodically from MCU with the following display list:

--- Code: ---BITMAP_HANDLE(0)
CMD_SETBITMAP(0, RGB565, 128, 128)
CLEAR(1, 1, 1)

--- End code ---

Best Regards,
BRT Community


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