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Messages - sjasz

Pages: [1]
Discussion - EVE / Re: How often and when read REG_TOUCH_TAG
« on: February 08, 2024, 04:39:24 PM »
In our code, REG_TOUCH_TAG is read 20ms after CMD_SWAP. It doesn't check REG_CMD_WRITE = REG_CMD_READ before it is read. I inherited this code so didn't verify the 20ms myself, but the person that did told me it needed to be there, and was a conservative amount of time to wait.

Our code alternates between drawing pages and reading REG_TOUCH_TAG as fast as possible, so only ever reads REG_TOUCH_TAG after drawing a page. It never reads REG_TOUCH_TAG two times in a row. 

Sorry, not as empirical as you may have liked, but it has been 100% stable for several years.

Discussion - EVE / Re: ARROR: display list overblow in cmd_pext()
« on: February 08, 2024, 04:15:41 PM »
If this is really just a side effect of how CMD_RUNANIM is a blocking call it probably doesn't need to be posted.

Discussion - EVE / Re: Running animation stops DL's from running.
« on: February 08, 2024, 04:12:56 PM »
That makes sense. Thanks.

I thought that maybe the animation would continue to run when new display lists were run.

It does beg the question though. What use is there for CMD_RUNANIM if it can only be used by itself, and to display anything after it requires a complete hardware reset?

The animation I am using has 2 frames at a rate of 2 frames per second, so 500ms per frame.

I found that if I let EAB assemble the animation using the individual frames, (by setting the input to the folder containing the individual frames instead of the actual file), that the resulting conversion is 2 frames. The size of the file is a bit smaller too, the 2 frame conversion is 3008 bytes and the 100 frame version is 3776 bytes.

I converted the bicycle animation that comes with the app note package and it has 13 frames and was converted as having 13 frames so that seems normal.

So don't know if there is an explanation but there is a work around.

The biggest snag for me was that I expected the second frame to be, well, the second frame, not realizing that the second frame created by the converter was actually a duplicate of the first frame. Hence, it appeared as though  CMD_ANIMFRAMERAM was not working.

To anyone dealing with this, check the json file for "num of frames" after you do the conversion because EAB may generate a different number of frames than the original animated gif you started with.

I am using the Animation Converter in EAB to convert a small ainimated gif. The gif has only two frames but the output log and json file both say that it generated 100 frames (Number Of Frames : 100). When I convert other animations the number of frames equals the Frame Count setting in the UI. Is there any way to control the number of frames generated by the Animation Converter? Is there a reason the number of frames generated would not equal the number frames of the original gif?   

Discussion - EVE / Re: Running animation stops DL's from running.
« on: February 06, 2024, 06:22:51 PM »
I did some experiments and found that I can have several animations running at the same time so am thinking it is not because I am overfilling the Display List.

Discussion - EVE / ARROR: display list overblow in cmd_pext()
« on: February 06, 2024, 04:45:01 PM »
I got this interesting Error Message.

"ARROR: display list overblow in cmd_pext()". Yes, it does indeed start with an 'A' and the last word is indeed "cmd_pext".

I am running an animation from RAM_G. When I do so it acts as though no other DL command get processed and I need to do a power on reset to get the display to function again. Could this be a clue. The JSON file says the display list usage is 2400 so shouldn't that be OK.

Any ideas as to what may be happening?

Discussion - EVE / Running animation stops DL's from running.
« on: February 02, 2024, 11:23:15 PM »
I am running animated gifs from RAM_G and that works fine on its own. The problem is that when they are running, no other display list commands are able to run. When the animation starts running everything on the display gets removed, the background turns black, and it is no longer possible to run any new Display Lists. Its as if animations are not able to co-exist with other Display List objects.

When trying this in ESE it behaves in a similar fashion. I am not able to add any other object to a page that contains an animation. To be more correct, if I drag text to the page it shows up in the Coprocessor window, but it is not displayed on the main window. If I remove the animation the text will appear.

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