BRT Community

General Category => Discussion - EVE => Topic started by: trieup on March 22, 2021, 07:07:17 PM

Post by: trieup on March 22, 2021, 07:07:17 PM
Hello All,
I am using BT816 version chip and using the CMD_GETPROPS after loading an image and have an issue with it.
The command CMD_GETPROPS is supposed to return 3 x 32bits item: Ptr, Width, and Height.
The Width and Height are correctly returned.  However, the address is wrong.
According to the BT81x Program Guide, the Ptr is supposed to be the address in RAM_G that we can use for BITMAP_SOURCE.
Can some one help to confirm that the above is true?
Thank you all.
Post by: BRT Community on March 23, 2021, 11:12:12 AM

On the BT815/6 CMD_GETPROPS will return the end of the decompressed image for PNG and will return the start address if using a JPEG. Therefore, your return value will depend on which format your image is in.

For PNG, you can use the address which you have specified in the LOADIMAGE command as the source of your image.

We added the command CMD_GETPTR for BT817/8 which can provide the next available address after the decompressed image data for both PNG and JPEG.

Best Regards, BRT Community