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Messages - Cyrilou

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 5
Discussion - EVE / Re: What are the correct settings for my screen?
« on: May 28, 2024, 10:16:33 AM »
Thanks for your reply.

But if my system clock is 72MHz PCLK=8? or both work?

Discussion - EVE / What are the correct settings for my screen?
« on: May 24, 2024, 02:20:11 PM »

I'm experiencing some glitches on my screen of my device sometimes.

Could you help me to set REG values for display initialization with attached files?

      PIXVOFFSET = ?
      PIXHOFFSET = ?
      HCYCLE = ?
      HOFFSET = ?
      HSYNC0 = ?
      HSYNC1 = ?
      VCYCLE = ?
      VOFFSET = ?
      VSYNC0 = ?
      VSYNC1 = ?
      PCLK = ?
      SWIZZLE = ?
      PCLK_POL = ?
      HSIZE = 480;   //ok
      VSIZE = 272;   //ok
      CSPREAD = ?
      DITHER = ?

System clock is 72MHz.


Discussion - EVE / How can I get image height and width after cmd_inflate?
« on: February 22, 2024, 11:11:27 AM »

I written in EVE flash blob file, map file and a zlib image that can be variable.

I inflate image in RAM_G, but when I use CMD_SETBITMAP to display it, I must know Height and Width properties that can be variables.

How can I get this properties, since CMD_GETPROPS doesn't work on  CMD_INFLATE but on CMD_LOADIMAGE?? :-\

Discussion - EVE / Re: Scale down the Spinner Widget
« on: November 27, 2023, 05:11:49 PM »

Any update on this?

Size of spinner depends from the size of the display. Is there a workaround to modify height and/or width temporarly to reduce its size?

No I'm using Renesas synergy platform and GNU GCC toolchain. I 've created a library project type to export in it, I'm using only msvc source code and it works anyway.


Why this menu disappeared?
It was vvery helpfull for me. How can I do now with new version for eclipse project types?


Discussion - EVE / Re: ESD 4.16 type ft_argb32_t disappeared
« on: May 02, 2023, 10:02:40 AM »
OK but whith this type I can't set alpha value in color picker window. Before, I could change it.

Discussion - EVE / ESD 4.16 type ft_argb32_t disappeared
« on: April 27, 2023, 03:19:16 PM »

I've just installed this version but I don't find ft_argb32_t type on selection list of a variable for example. Is it normal?


Discussion - EVE / Re: Disable AUDIO_L output signal
« on: March 13, 2023, 12:50:39 PM »
Hi it's a Matrix Orbital 43A IPS with EVE3 BT815 chip.

Discussion - EVE / Re: Disable AUDIO_L output signal
« on: March 02, 2023, 05:05:20 PM »

This doesn't work. I tried another one.
I wrote 0x04 at hidden address 0x3020E4, this reduces signal to 140KHz and that's all.

Discussion - EVE / Disable AUDIO_L output signal
« on: March 01, 2023, 03:15:42 PM »

I'd like to disable this output by software because screen emits 20db peak on spectrum analyser on near field with ffc20 ribbon. This is problematic for CE certification.

When I cut AUDIO_L line on FFC20 ribbon on screen side, it's ok! But I need a software solution.

What should I try?

If I disable audio engine (reg_cpureset=4), output is still active.

What in theory could OFF AUDIO_L pin, I see nothing in BT815 datasheet, there is always 30Mhz sinusoidal signal in idle (no sounds played).

Thank you.

Discussion - EVE / Re: Custom Fonts Problem
« on: January 31, 2023, 09:54:16 AM »

This seems to be same problem than me!
When font is already inflated in RAM_G, the render crashes sometimes.

Please see link below:

Discussion - EVE / Re: Bitmap truncated randomly
« on: January 19, 2023, 06:05:24 PM »
Hi, no I can't.

Fonts and pictures can rarely but randomly be glitched. I've localized and reproduced the cause.
It's in file Esd_GpuAlloc.c. If I change address of an AllocEntries it corrupt font or picture in RAM_G (this is normal, but what is the cause?).
So it can be a pb in the algorithm of esd allocation or maybe ram overwrite in my app.
I've also set safe defragmentation macro added in v4.11 but this increase a lot chances to have glitches.
Safe defragmentation doesn't work for me.
I use also gradient widget which require alloc/dealloc when it is displayed/not displayed.


You must use update callback of esd to send orders to the screen.
You can use queues or semaphores to get data in this callback.
To simulate on ESD your GUI you can add buttons connected to slots.

Discussion - EVE / Re: Bitmap truncated randomly
« on: November 10, 2022, 01:20:11 PM »
It is a font added to the project. I'm using scroll panel but in a another screen. It's like a scissor would be applied on the font whereas i'm not using this.

As you see in attached, i'm using ESD label in linear layouts.

I have a main screen where font is used. When I slide the screen to the right a new screen that using scroll panel appears from the left, so at a moment font is displayed at the same time as scroll panel.
The slide is not done via scrool widget but with slide animations used by ev demo.

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