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Topics - Spyy

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Discussion - EVE / EAB 2.5.0 generate legacy custom font L8 format
« on: February 22, 2022, 09:42:47 PM »

i am trying to get a working legacy L8 font with UTF-8File, CMD_SETFONT, First character: 1, RAM_G+ 181936.
=> Resulting command line is: fnt_cvt.exe -f legacy -C BT81X -i C:/blabla/isfdV11BoldPlus55.ttf -s 22 -d  181936 -c setfont -l 1 -g -u C:/blabla/isfdFont V4.txt -o C:/blabla/output -O
I am using this because i have no flash attached and i am only using a few glyphs and then the output for L8 ist relatively small.
When i use  the font in my application i only get "pixel dust/snow" or a solid block instead of numbers with CMD_NUMBER or CMD_TEXT. Other fonts are working fine.
BTW: I get the same result with the setting CMD_SETFONT2.
Going more into detail:
Resulting command line: fnt_cvt.exe -f legacy -C BT81X -i C:/blabla/isfdV11BoldPlus55.ttf -s 22 -d  181936 -c setfont -l 1 -g -u C:/blabla/isfdFont V4.txt -o C:/blabla/output -O
In the *_L8.c i then get:
Code: [Select]
#include "Common.h"

#define FONT_HANDLE       (1)
#define FONT_FILE_ADDRESS (RAM_G + 181936)
#define STRIDE            (28)
#define FONT_WIDTH        (28)
#define FONT_HEIGHT       (24)
#define FIRST_CHARACTER   (1)

void Load_Font_L8(EVE_HalContext * phost)
App_WrCoCmd_Buffer(phost, CLEAR(1, 1, 1));
App_WrCoCmd_Buffer(phost, COLOR_RGB(255, 255, 255));
Gpu_Hal_LoadImageToMemory(phost, "../../../L8/isfdV11BoldPlus55_22_L8.raw", FONT_FILE_ADDRESS, LOAD);

App_WrCoCmd_Buffer(phost, BITMAP_HANDLE(FONT_HANDLE));
Gpu_CoCmd_Text(phost, 50, 50, FONT_HANDLE, 0, "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0A");
App_WrCoCmd_Buffer(phost, DISPLAY());
This output i am using in my code...
In the .rawh i find:
Code: [Select]
/* Widths */
/* Format */
/* Stride */
/* Max Width */
/* Max Height */
/* Raw Data Address in Decimal: <181412> */

/* 148 Metric Block End ---  */

/*Bitmap Raw Data begin +++*/
/*The expected raw bitmap size is 11424 Bytes */
For the "base" i get FONT_FILE_ADDRESS (RAM_G + 181936)

For BITMAP_SOURCE(FONT_FILE_ADDRESS + 148 - STRIDE*FONT_HEIGHT*FIRST_CHARACTER)); => I get the address for the first bitmap at 181412 which seemed to be smaller than the base address (Base: 181936 vs. Bitmap 181412). Is this correct ? I would think that bitmap source is Base+148 ?

With CMD_SETFONT2 the memory map looks a bit more plausible (especially the "Raw Data Address in Decimal") which here matches with the resulting memory map:
Command line: fnt_cvt.exe -f legacy -C BT81X -i C:/blabla/isfdV11BoldPlus55.ttf -s 22 -d  181936 -c setfont2 -l 1 -g -u C:/blabla/isfdFont V4.txt -o C:/blabla/output -O 4
Uploaded memory map of RAM_G with CMD_SETFONT2 looks like this:
Load metrix 3 Start: 181936 => 0x2C6B0
Load metrix 3 End: 182084 => 0x2C744
Load font bitmap 3 Start: 182084 => 0x2C744
Load font bitmap 3 End: 193508 => 0x2F3E4

Code: [Select]
/* Widths */
/* Format */
/* Stride */
/* Max Width */
/* Max Height */
/* Raw Data Address in Decimal: <182084> */

/* 148 Metric Block End ---  */

/*Bitmap Raw Data begin +++*/
/*The expected raw bitmap size is 11424 Bytes */

But still also "pixel snow"...

Find attached my font if you want to try...with the EAB settings above...

Thank you for your help


Discussion - EVE / Line vs text or number
« on: January 20, 2022, 12:45:36 AM »

just to be sure to be on the right track...

I can "create/move" lines/rects/points/etc. with a precision of 1/16 pixel with VERTEX2F. But this is not possible with CMD_TEXT, CMD_NUMBER, VERTEXII and a font. There is the precision of 1 pixel...?
Or is there a way to do text/numbers with the same precision, or i am completely wrong here?

Thank you for your help



i have really a problem here. The BT81x should run default with 60 Mhz core clock an the new one with 72 MHz when i write:
EVE_cmdWrite(EVE_CLKSEL, 0x46); /* set clock to 72 MHz */

Then i do this:
EVE_memWrite32(REG_FREQUENCY, 72000000); to set it correct

I am setting up the chip and then check the speed with:
   // Write the EVE stats:
   uint32_t eveClockOld = EVE_memRead32(REG_CLOCK);
   uint32_t eveClockNew = EVE_memRead32(REG_CLOCK);
   Serial.print("EVE clock: ");
   Serial.println(eveClockNew - eveClockOld);
   uint32_t eveFramesOld = EVE_memRead32(REG_FRAMES);
   uint32_t eveFramesNew = EVE_memRead32(REG_FRAMES);
   Serial.print("EVE frames: ");
   Serial.println(eveFramesNew - eveFramesOld);

With the values set to:
EVE_cmdWrite(EVE_CLKSEL, 0x46)
EVE_cmd_pclkfreq(50500000L, 0)
EVE_memWrite8(REG_PCLK, 0x01)

i get this:
EVE PCLK Frequency: 50000000 => OK
EVE clock: 34668795 => would expect 72000000 or something here (looks like approx half of 72000000 Hz)
EVE frames: 85

With nothing written to EVE_CLKSEL (which should be default => 60 Mhz) I get:
EVE PCLK Frequency: 50000000 => OK
EVE clock: 28909452 => would expect 60000000 or something here (looks like approx half of 60000000 Hz)
EVE frames: 85

I am using no external crystal with the setting EVE_cmdWrite(EVE_CLKINT,0);   /* setup EVE for internal clock */ set.

So my question is what can be the reason for this or do i missed/messed up here something ?

Thank you for your help.


Discussion - EVE / EVE main clock frequency
« on: April 28, 2021, 07:11:52 PM »

i have questions concerning the main clock frequency of the EVE chip.

1. How to set up the chip to 72 Mhz (i use EVE_cmdWrite(EVE_CLKSEL, 0x46);) The manual is not so clear for me how to setup the bits to get 72 Mhz.
2. Is there a way to read out the actual main clock frequency ? Is this the EVE_memRead32(REG_CLOCK) register or is this the pixel clock output ?

Thank you very much


Discussion - EVE / Customized font for text via vertex2ii
« on: April 10, 2021, 11:05:14 PM »

is it possible to create a custom font and use it in a display list via a vertex2ii command?
I have a font already created with the suggested tool and "imported" via header file, transferred it into the RAM_G and assigned a handle with CMD_SETFONT2....but when i use the handle in the vertex2ii it shows "something" which looks like a memory dump...

If yes, must i do this every time when i update the displaylist?
If yes a short displaylist example very welcome...

Thank you


i am not sure if i understood the 81x concept right...

1. We have a display list/ command list where i can write to.
2. We can swap the display to show the content of the display list/command list
3. We have framerate of the display itself e.g 50 Hz

I read the chapter "Synchronization between MCU & Coprocessor Engine" but i must admit i did not understand it fully

How are these values "related, connected" ?
Will a swap start a new frame on the display ?
Are they not connected ?
Is the content shown/starts a new frame when the displaylist buffer is empty ?

I saw that there is an interrupt for INT_CMDEMPTY or
swap INT_SWAP => is this the swap i do via display list ?

I think a code example will be helpful here to understand the interrupt/syncronizing handling...

Thank you for your help


Discussion - EVE / BT816 signal level on RGB interface
« on: January 05, 2021, 12:16:32 PM »

i am using the BT816 chip in my design and i am struggeling a bit. I supply the BT816 chip with 3.3V for VCCA, VCCIO1, VCCIO2 and VCCIO3. VOUT1V2 is on 1.2V as forseen.
Now my issue:
On the RGB lines, where i can see active pulsing signals (BACKLIGHT, DE, VSYNC, HSYNC, DISP, PCLK), i only measure approx 0.8V-1V. I connected those lines via 33Ohms in serial to a ST7701S chip. It seems that this signal level is too low for this chip which is also on 3.3V.
So my question is: Is this signal level normal ? I tried to force the signal strenth via register to higher amps without success.
What can i do here?

Thank you a lot


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