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Discussion - Software / Update to EVE Screen Editor - ESE 4.11
« on: October 25, 2024, 02:02:33 PM »
Hi Everyone,

We've just released our latest update for our EVE Screen Editor utility (ESE).

ESE makes it even easier to design and lay out your user interface for EVE via the user friendly drag-and-drop interface. You can preview on a real EVE module connected over USB (see the user guide for supported modules). It's also great for learning about, and experimenting with, different EVE features and graphics techniques.

You can download version 4.11 now from this link:

Here are some of the new features added:

• Make the dock widgets movable and floatable.
• Add feature: Move widgets to back/front.
• Remove nested BEGIN() and END() when the user drags and drops Primitives.
• When the user holds "CTRL" and drags a widget, clone that widget.
• When the user selects a widget on the emulator by clicking on it, pressing the arrow key will move the widget.
• Support programming blank flash in the device manager.
• Update the DXT1_L2_RGB565 example.

This version also resolves some issues, including an issue with custom fonts when the device type selected is BT88x, and where REG_PLAY_CONTROL was not updating in the Inspector window.

We hope you find the new features helpful but let us know here if you have any feedback or questions...

Best Regards, BRT Community

Discussion - Software / EVE Screen Designer 4.19.2
« on: October 22, 2024, 05:04:21 PM »
We are pleased to announce the release of the latest version of our EVE Screen Designer.

Download the new version from

Here are some of the highlights:
- Addition of the STM32 platform. You can now export your ESD project to the STM32 CUBE IDE.
- New E-Bike, Coverflow and QR code example projects
- New scrolling Text widget and Slideshow widget
- Improved Gauge, Polygon and clock widgets
and many more...

Best Regards, BRT Community

Discussion - Cleo / CleO Resources
« on: March 15, 2022, 02:04:04 PM »

The latest CleO resources (1.1.2) are available and can be downloaded from the attached .zip file, these include the CleO documentation, PC Tools, Arduino Libraries and SD Card Images.

Please use the following link to download the package:
CleO Resrouces (1.1.2)

Best Regards.
BRT Community

Test and Review Area / EVE Asset Builder 1.6.0
« on: June 23, 2020, 11:55:38 AM »

We are pleased to announce the imminent release of EVE Asset Builder 1.6.0, this will be available on shortly but for now the installer can be downloaded from the following:

The release note below lists the updates since the last public release (1.4.0):

    - Fix bugs:
      + flash detection fails but program succeeds
    - Improve the session functionality in EAB
    - Add the keyboard shortcut for changing the order in flash image generator
    - Add shortcut key for deleting item in list widget
    - Add one "Clear" button for log panel
    - Add one warning window to prompt user for "Data Alignment" of EAB
    - Add a question mark to explain the hardware configuration of flash programmer
    - Show glyph information in different place

    - Fix bugs:
      + Some characters disappears from glyph if the code point mode is "utf-8"
      + Typo on code point mode drop-down box of font conversion utility
    - Add alignment option in flash image generation utility
    - Add a question mark to give the hint for code point mode of font conversion utility
    - Force 64-byte alignment for Flash address of Glyph file
    - Unknown freetype error when converting the symbola font file
    - Provide more information while previewing the input font file
    - Provide more information on the result panel of font conversion utility
    - Add bmp file support in Image conversion and Animation conversion
    - The compression for LUT file of paletted format in Image conversion utility shall be disabled
    - Add more information on compression mode in image conversion utility
    - Add the support of compression output in PNG2DXT1
    - Improve the flash utility in EAB
    - Improve the sample code for flash utility
    - Add some description about re-ordering assets in flash image generator
    - Add more information for "compressed" option of image conversion utility
    - Improvement on result window of image conversion utility: File size and full extension name
    - Add a bmp file under 'assets for test' folder of installation path
    - Add a section in user guide to list down the flash programmer modules

Best Regards,
BRT Community

Test and Review Area / BRT_AN_025 Beta - Portable MCU library for EVE
« on: January 09, 2020, 01:39:10 PM »

We have a new beta version of a framework for EVE which is designed to be portable across a range of different MCUs. The download includes projects for the following MCUs but you can also use it as the basis of your code on other platforms too.

- BridgeTek FT900
- ST STM32
- Microchip PIC18F
- Espressif ESP32
- TI MSP430
- BeagleBone
- Raspberry Pi

The code currently supports the FT80x and FT81x families of EVE.

Here are the draft document and the beta code project download links:

(Note: The link in the pdf file for the source code download is not yet active but you can download the code via the link above)

The beta document and code are supplied on an as-is basis and are not guaranteed by BridgeTek.

Coming soon...
- We have almost finished adding the BT81x support to the code and this will be released as an update soon
- We also have a separate application note showing how to port this code to other MCUs, using an NXP K64 as an example.
- We will also be creating further code examples in future using the framework provided in BRT_AN_025

We hope this code helps to get you up and running with EVE on your own MCU. If you have any feedback or questions then please get in touch via quoting "BRT_AN_025 feedback" in the email subject.

Best Regards,
BRT Community

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