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Topics - yan.rosh

Pages: [1]
Discussion - EVE / List of Coprocessor Faults
« on: July 01, 2024, 02:12:55 PM »

We had some issue with the flash connected to the BRT, and the cmd_flashupde() command failed.
Using the CMDB_SPACE register we saw that there was an error in the coprocessor (REG_CMDB_SPACE & 0x03 != 0).
We read the error, and got: "illegal flash address in cmd_flashupdate()"

In the programming manual (AN033) there's a table with all the error strings the coprocessor generates (table 26), but the error we got is not in there...
We're using AN033 version 2.4.

While this bug was caused by our flash and not the BRT chip, we still wanted to know how we could find info on this error message.
Is there an updated list somewhere?
Are they any more messages that are not in table 26 that we might encounter?

Thank you in advance :)

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