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Topics - jctibor

Pages: [1]
Discussion - EVE / BT817 status register
« on: October 04, 2024, 02:44:57 PM »
Hello brt comminity,

i am working on project which is some kind of medical plasma high voltage generator. The spark produces a lot of EMI noise and diplay sometimes stucks. I need to investigate where is the problem and do proper EMC and SW hooks to solve it. My vision is to read some error or status registers and based on it do a proper action. Is there something like that? I am looking into datasheets and prog. guides but i cant find anythink like that. Can somebody suggest me something?

Best regards.

Discussion - EVE / Drawing color issues
« on: September 06, 2024, 12:32:07 PM »
Hello BRT comminity,

first of all. let me introduce myself, i am embedded developer of power inverters etc, i am really newbee in diplays developlment. So i am not able to describe this issue, i think that is has some exact describtion. Therefore it is hard to solve this issue. I will show you on the pictures:

  • How is this issue called in display terminology?
  • How to solve this issue?

This my first example project, this issue comes when i rotate the display view and i solve it by changing PCLK freq (probably was walkaround). In second ones, it doesnt works. Cau you help me please?

My HW:
Riverdi RVT101HVBNWC00-B with EVE4(BT817Q)
Riverdi STM32 dev. board

EVE asset builder SDK (from sample app)

Best regards

Pages: [1]