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Messages - alig

Pages: [1]
Discussion - EVE / Re: ESD 4.8 - STM32 - Image
« on: July 23, 2020, 06:50:15 AM »
That flash part was not for other micro controllers, it was for FT micro controllers and I am working with ST micro controller. I could upload the image, it calls those functions itself. For my case, my image's resourceInfo->Compressed type was ESD_RESOURCE_DEFLATE, so for that image generated code calls EVE_Util_loadInflateFile(EVE_HalContext *phost, uint32_t address, const char *filename) function. It handles *phost and address part, we should take care of filename. Here filename is unique and it comes from source file that I used in ESD 4.8 . I changed that function like below
Code: [Select]
bool EVE_Util_loadInflateFile(EVE_HalContext *phost, uint32_t address, const char *filename)

uint32_t ftsize = 0;
uint8_t pbuff[8192];
uint16_t blocklen;

for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(fileArray) / sizeof(fileInfo)); i++)
if (0 == memcmp(fileArray[i].name, filename, sizeof(filename)))
if (!EVE_Cmd_waitSpace(phost, 8))
return false; // Space for CMD_INFLATE

EVE_Cmd_wr32(phost, CMD_INFLATE);
EVE_Cmd_wr32(phost, address);
ftsize = fileArray[i].size;

while (ftsize > 0)
blocklen = ftsize > 8192 ? 8192 : ftsize;
memcpy(pbuff, fileArray[i].address + (fileArray[i].size- ftsize), blocklen);
ftsize -= blocklen;
if (!EVE_Cmd_wrMem(phost, (char *)pbuff, blocklen)) /* copy data continuously into command memory */

return EVE_Cmd_waitFlush(phost);

return false;

and now I can upload any image to RAM_G.

Discussion - EVE / ESD 4.8 - STM32 - Image
« on: July 17, 2020, 09:45:56 AM »
I have ported ESD project to STM32. I can see labels, uttons, sliders etc. but I cant see ESD Image Widget or Image Buttons. I have a image named "down" and ESD 4.8 created this for it:

Ft_Esd_BitmapInfo down__Info = {
   .Width = 75,
   .Height = 105,
   .Format = ARGB1555,
   .Stride = 150,
   .Size = 15750,
   .FlashAddress = 0x0800C000;//.File = "down.bin",
   .GpuHandle = {
      .Seq = 0
   .BitmapHandle = ~0,
   .AdditionalFile = 0,
   .AdditionalInfo = 0,
   .PaletteFile = 0,
   .PaletteGpuHandle = {
      .Seq = 0
   .Cells = 1,
   .Compressed = 1,
   .Persistent = 0,
   .Flash = 1,//0,
   .PreferRam = 0,
   .CoLoad = 0,

I changed flash parts because I put my image's bin file to STM flash memory at 0x0800C000. This binary file is also created by ESD 4.8 . Binary file's size is 2241 bytes but in the config struct above size is 15750. This is my first problem.

There are these functions:
bool EVE_Util_loadRawFile(EVE_HalContext *phost, uint32_t address, const char *filename);
bool EVE_Util_loadInflateFile(EVE_HalContext *phost, uint32_t address, const char *filename);
bool EVE_Util_loadImageFile(EVE_HalContext *phost, uint32_t address, const char *filename, uint32_t *format);
Should I use one of those before widgets initialized? If yes, how? Those functions are all reading from file, I can handle that part to read from flash but I dont know what should I put for *phost and address. How can I solve these problems? or is there any reference ESD project which displays images? Thank you.

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