Hi Rudolph,
thanks for your reply.
Maybe calling it a "cold start" is not best description for this problem, but this one came to my mind as first.
I use Riverdi setup (
https://riverdi.com/product/rvt70aqffwr00/ +
https://riverdi.com/product/arduino-riverdi-tft-shield/) and oryginal arduino mega board.
and their demo sketch:
https://github.com/riverdi/riverdi-eve-arduinoas well as Matrix orbital demo:
https://github.com/MatrixOrbital/Basic-EVE-Demo-Arduino with mods of
function FT81x_Init:
wr16(REG_HCYCLE + RAM_REG, 1056L); // Set H_Cycle to 548
wr16(REG_HOFFSET + RAM_REG, 46L); // Set H_Offset to 43
wr16(REG_HSYNC0 + RAM_REG, 0L); // Set H_SYNC_0 to 0
wr16(REG_HSYNC1 + RAM_REG, 10L); // Set H_SYNC_1 to 41
wr16(REG_VCYCLE + RAM_REG, 525L); // Set V_Cycle to 292
wr16(REG_VOFFSET + RAM_REG, 23L); // Set V_OFFSET to 12
wr16(REG_VSYNC0 + RAM_REG, 0L); // Set V_SYNC_0 to 0
wr16(REG_VSYNC1 + RAM_REG, 10L); // Set V_SYNC_1 to 10
wr8(REG_SWIZZLE + RAM_REG, 0L); // Set SWIZZLE to 0
wr8(REG_PCLK_POL + RAM_REG, 1L); // Set PCLK_POL to 1
wr16(REG_HSIZE + RAM_REG, 800L); // Set H_SIZE to 480
wr16(REG_VSIZE + RAM_REG, 480L); // Set V_SIZE to 272
and pin defs:
#define EveChipSelect_PIN 10 // PB1
#define EveAudioEnable_PIN 1 // PD1
#define EvePDN_PIN 8 // PB2
#define SDChipSelect_PIN 5 // PD3
#define Button1_PIN 4 // PD5
#define Button2_PIN 3 // PD6
#define Button3_PIN 2 // PD7
#define SDCardDetect_PIN 6 // PD4
and one more demo sketch, but can't find it now...
a strange thing..
using the same code from Riverdi github (#define EVE_3 + #define RTP_43) with different hardware:
oryginal adruino Leonardo + ftf shield +
https://riverdi.com/product/ritft43resfr/ gives opposite effect: it does not work after flashing, but works after disconnecting and then reconnecting of USB cable....
I am trying to check your code but it's not that straightforward to make adjustements for pin defs and LCD type and can't find a good guide what and where to change...
pin def:
CS to D10 would be eve_target.h-> line 1148 -> #define EVE_CS 10
LDC type within eve_config.h -> line 151 -> #define EVE_RVT43H
still not working something else?