« on: January 21, 2022, 04:40:51 AM »
Hi, I tried with the display list that you have sent
Raw Text
0 0x12000064 CLEAR_TAG(100)
1 0x02000000 CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(0, 0, 0)
2 0x26000007 CLEAR(1, 1, 1)
3 0x14000001 TAG_MASK(1)
4 0x1f000002 BEGIN(POINTS)
5 0x0d0000c8 POINT_SIZE(200)
6 0x0300000a TAG(10)
7 0x43200640 VERTEX2F(1600, 1600)
8 0x0300000b TAG(11)
9 0x46400640 VERTEX2F(3200, 1600)
10 0x0300000c TAG(12)
11 0x49600640 VERTEX2F(4800, 1600)
12 0x0300000d TAG(13)
13 0x4c800640 VERTEX2F(6400, 1600)
14 0x21000000 END()
15 0x14000001 TAG_MASK(1)
16 0x1f000001 BEGIN(BITMAPS)
17 0x8c8c8fd4 VERTEX2II(100, 200, 31, 'T')
18 0x8fcc8fe8 VERTEX2II(126, 200, 31, 'h')
19 0x92cc8fe5 VERTEX2II(150, 200, 31, 'e')
20 0x958c8fa0 VERTEX2II(172, 200, 31, ' ')
21 0x96cc8fd4 VERTEX2II(182, 200, 31, 'T')
22 0x9a0c8fe1 VERTEX2II(208, 200, 31, 'a')
23 0x9cec8fe7 VERTEX2II(231, 200, 31, 'g')
24 0x9fec8fa0 VERTEX2II(255, 200, 31, ' ')
25 0xa12c8fe9 VERTEX2II(265, 200, 31, 'i')
26 0xa26c8ff3 VERTEX2II(275, 200, 31, 's')
27 0xa52c8fa0 VERTEX2II(297, 200, 31, ' ')
28 0xa66c8fae VERTEX2II(307, 200, 31, '.')
29 0xa7cc8fae VERTEX2II(318, 200, 31, '.')
30 0x1f000001 BEGIN(BITMAPS)
31 0x8c8fafb0 VERTEX2II(100, 250, 31, '0')
32 0x00000000 DISPLAY()
33 0x00000000 DISPLAY()
34 0x8c8fafb0 VERTEX2II(100, 250, 31, '0')
35 0x00000000 DISPLAY()
This is the Display list from EVE editor but If I touch the corresponding tag is not getting displayed by the number command. Kindly let me know if there are any mistakes.
Kindly help me in this .
I can see the tag value changing in REG_TOUCH_TAG but not by the number command.
Thanks in advance.