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Messages - Cyrilou

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5]
Discussion - EVE / error on custom ESD_METHOD in source file
« on: December 10, 2020, 01:24:50 PM »
I want to control backlight level of my screen with this function :
In C file:
Code: [Select]
void APP_Screen_AdjustBrightness(Usr_Settings *context, int percentlevel)
Ft_Gpu_Hal_Context_t *phost = Ft_Esd_GetHost();
    uint8_t Value = 0x80;//0 to 128
        Value = (uint8_t)((PercentLevel*128)/100);
    EVE_Hal_wr8(phost, REG_PWM_DUTY, Value);                  // Backlight PWM duty

In H file:
Code: [Select]
#include "Ft_Esd.h"

ESD_METHOD(APP_Screen_AdjustBrightness, Context = Usr_Settings, Type = void)
ESD_PARAMETER(percentlevel, Type = int, Default = 100, Min = 0, Max = 100)
void APP_Screen_AdjustBrightness(Usr_Settings *context, int percentlevel); //error here

But I get an error that I can't resolve:
"C:/Program Files (x86)/EVE Screen Designer/NewProject3/Usr_AnimateLogo.h:16: error: ',' expected (got "*")"

I don't understand what that means?


I'm using Arial font .ttf in size 24 in ESD 4.8. I use ESD label widget with this font. I write "écran" in text property and I see " ran" on design window. If I write "élastique" I see "élastique".

Discussion - EVE / Re: Porting ESD4.8 project to renesas synergy platform
« on: December 08, 2020, 02:32:41 PM »
sorry but ESD_GLOBAL macro is not defined in ESD 4.8...

Discussion - EVE / Re: Porting ESD4.8 project to renesas synergy platform
« on: December 08, 2020, 12:56:12 PM »
Thanks for your reply.
Your print screen resolution is bad so I don't see your UI example.

I'v added special characters like é, è, à to a font because I must use french language. Rom fonts doesn't have these characters! It's too bad.
When I use an ESDlabel and I write "é" followed by a character from "0" to "f" (hexadecimal), this character becomes a space. Other characters are displayed correctly.

Can you reproduce it and correct it?

Thank you it's just what I wanted.

Discussion - EVE / Re: ESD 4.8 - STM32 - Image
« on: December 02, 2020, 02:03:15 PM »
That flash part was not for other micro controllers, it was for FT micro controllers and I am working with ST micro controller. I could upload the image, it calls those functions itself. For my case, my image's resourceInfo->Compressed type was ESD_RESOURCE_DEFLATE, so for that image generated code calls EVE_Util_loadInflateFile(EVE_HalContext *phost, uint32_t address, const char *filename) function. It handles *phost and address part, we should take care of filename. Here filename is unique and it comes from source file that I used in ESD 4.8 . I changed that function like below
Code: [Select]
bool EVE_Util_loadInflateFile(EVE_HalContext *phost, uint32_t address, const char *filename)

uint32_t ftsize = 0;
uint8_t pbuff[8192];
uint16_t blocklen;

for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(fileArray) / sizeof(fileInfo)); i++)
if (0 == memcmp(fileArray[i].name, filename, sizeof(filename)))
if (!EVE_Cmd_waitSpace(phost, 8))
return false; // Space for CMD_INFLATE

EVE_Cmd_wr32(phost, CMD_INFLATE);
EVE_Cmd_wr32(phost, address);
ftsize = fileArray[i].size;

while (ftsize > 0)
blocklen = ftsize > 8192 ? 8192 : ftsize;
memcpy(pbuff, fileArray[i].address + (fileArray[i].size- ftsize), blocklen);
ftsize -= blocklen;
if (!EVE_Cmd_wrMem(phost, (char *)pbuff, blocklen)) /* copy data continuously into command memory */

return EVE_Cmd_waitFlush(phost);

return false;

and now I can upload any image to RAM_G.

I've done the same implementation and it works.
But how do you import files into MCU flash? Do you use a linker script to insert bin files in elf?
I see you ahave a struct with file name, size and address. If you have multiple files it's boring to import all those information manually at each exports...

Is it possible to read the actual frame buffer of the screen to get an image to send it to a remote control client?

Discussion - EVE / Re: Porting ESD4.8 project to renesas synergy platform
« on: November 27, 2020, 02:44:43 PM »
Yes it is ! Maybe the scroll layout is more appropriated for this?

Discussion - EVE / Re: Porting ESD4.8 project to renesas synergy platform
« on: November 27, 2020, 09:30:24 AM »
I would like to fire a scroll animation of a panel for example from an event (slot?) since I've no screen touch on my device.
It is the same thing that bypass all touch events from touch panel with other event from external source in fact.
Is it possible? With which components?
Do you have an example?

Discussion - EVE / Porting ESD4.8 project to renesas synergy platform
« on: October 09, 2020, 11:10:28 AM »
Hi community,

I've exported ESD4 project to eclipse format and i've succefully ported the library to renesas synergy platform!
I use it because I can previsualize screen before code them and there is more widgets than with  ESE.

But I  have many questions and recommandations for Bridgetek developppers and community:

1) There are lot of warnings in the project (about 3300). It's mainly conversion variable formats and definition function problems. Can you correct this?

2) When you use NULL constants include of stddef.h is missing.

3) In ft_esd_cocmd_widgets.c include of stdarg.h is missing for va_arg() function use.

4) I have a matrix orbital screen without touch screen since I'm using a keypad appart: library is not optimized for TPN screen references. Is it possible to autodetect that a touchscreen controller is physically present or not with BT815? Or add a define to support TPN configuration? I must consequently disable esd_calibrate() function.

5) If there is no SPI flash connected to BT815, is it possible to display bitmaps? I have only the flash on my MCU and maybe SPI flash extension later. Library is also not optimized for non SPI flash devices.

6) I have 4.3inch 480x272 resolution WQVGA screen and I've edited EVE_config.h to make it work with :

As you can see, when I export to eclipse project I must modify several files each time to compile successfully my project. It's borring... :-\
The other solution is to export outside my project and copy only modified files...


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