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Discussion - EVE / Re: can bt815 detect versioning of flash image?
« on: February 17, 2025, 04:50:57 PM »

We'll check if we have some examples, in the meantime we have a structure declared in our user guide which may be helpful,

struct EDF {
uint32_t block_length; // the length of this EDF
EVE_Flash_Asset_Info assets[0...n-1]; // the information of n assets

struct EVE_Flash_Asset_Info {
uint16_t assetID; // the sequential ID of the asset
uint32_t startAddress; // the offset of the asset
uint32_t size; // the size of the asset, in byte
uint8_t compressionMethod; // 0 = no compression, 1 = compressed
uint8_t type; // the type of the asset, see below
uint16_t subType; // the subtype of the asset, see below
uint16_t width; // the width of bitmap/video/animation
uint16_t height; // the height of bitmap/video/animation

Best Regards, BRT Community

Discussion - EVE / Re: FlashRead
« on: February 14, 2025, 03:43:27 AM »
To analyze your issue more accurately, we recommend that you provide the .map file generated by EAB, which will help us verify whether the image addresses in Flash are correct.

If you are unsure how to generate the .map file, you can also directly provide your image file, and we can assist in checking where the issue might be in your code.

Please confirm and share the relevant files, as this will help us further diagnose and provide the appropriate solution.

Best Regards,
BRT Community

Discussion - EVE / Re: FlashRead
« on: February 13, 2025, 03:44:33 AM »
Do you have a small example of an item in the Flash map file? Please provide the code you use to read it into RAM_G, as well as the code used to display it. We can help check if there are any issues.
Best Regards, BRT Community

Discussion - EVE / Re: can bt815 detect versioning of flash image?
« on: February 12, 2025, 10:44:38 AM »
If you add a text file this will also be listed in the EDF and so you can look up the address of your version file.

As you said, the EDF will cause items to move as it can vary in size but you will be able to read the EDF and then find the location of your user file.

Best Regards, BRT Community

Discussion - EVE / Re: BMP SCREEN 1280X800 BT817Q
« on: February 12, 2025, 09:30:39 AM »

Great to hear that it is all working well now

Best Regards, BRT Community

Discussion - EVE / Re: BMP SCREEN 1280X800 BT817Q
« on: February 11, 2025, 09:24:14 AM »
Good catch Rudolph, yes any command which is not multiple of 4 bytes should be padded so that the next command starts at an offset of multiple 4 bytes

(unless you start a new SPI transfer for each command by de-asserting and re-asserting CS and sending the address again but this is much less efficient - the way you are doing it looks good but need the padding added)

Discussion - EVE / Re: can bt815 detect versioning of flash image?
« on: February 11, 2025, 09:17:23 AM »

One way to do this would be to include a small file of your own in the flash build bin file when creating in EAB. The BT815 can read data from flash into RAM_G, which your MCU can then read via SPI and so you could check the value that has been read from Flash.

You can make the file a fixed size and allow space for other data if needed so that changes in it don't affect the addresses of other assets at later addresses.

For CMD_FLASHREAD the address is 64-byte aligned and so it is worth making your own version-info file to be aligned to 64 bytes.

Best Regards, BRT Community

Hi Rudolph,

We don't have the 10.1" module but we do have the 7" version. Did you see it fail with the original Flash chip provided on the module?

Best Regards, BRT Community

Discussion - EVE / Re: BMP SCREEN 1280X800 BT817Q
« on: January 28, 2025, 03:32:48 PM »

Thanks for the image, we'll try it out here too.

It is worth trying Rudolph's advice to use CMD_SETBITMAP -  if you set the size and layout via the individual commands and if the layout and size _H values (which have the upper bits) are left with old values then EVE may be using these incorrect values.

Also, displaying from RAM_G is good to test,

Best Regards, BRT Community

Thanks for your reply,
We have that 7" display and so will try it out with your display settings and let you know if we see any issues moving from the 5" to the 7"
Normally the same application should work well on both so long as the display settings are adjusted
Your settings differ a bit from the ones we use with our module and so that may be a factor,

Best Regards, BRT Community


Could you advise which model of display module that you have for each, and what display settings you use for each?
Normally for displays of different sizes and/or resolutions, you should still see content display correctly so long as the display settings registers are all set correctly for the display.

Also, are your fonts custom ones or are they stored in Flash as custom fonts?

Best Regards, BRT Community

Discussion - EVE / Re: BMP SCREEN 1280X800 BT817Q
« on: January 15, 2025, 04:44:52 PM »
Hi Maria,
Thanks for your update, sorry for the late reply but great to hear that you have found the solution already,
Yes, if you reach the limit of the Vertex, you can use the vertex_translate to add on an offset to the coordinates to reach the far side of the screen.
Best Regards, BRT Community


Glad to hear you have managed to mitigate the issue, please let us know if it happens again or you run into any more issues.

Best Regards,
BRT Community

Discussion - EVE / Re: BMP SCREEN 1280X800 BT817Q
« on: January 09, 2025, 02:23:18 PM »

Welcome to the BRT Community,

Could you advise what size your image is?
Also, would it be possible for you to send a photo of the image being displayed as the issue happens and we'll help to check.

Was the issue only with screensaver or was it with images in general?

Best Regards, BRT Community


Thank you for the update.

Can I clarify if you are trying to use CMD_ROTATE or CMD_SETROTATE? the function name provided below implies the former, but the definition for the later appears to have been utilised.

There is no reason that the CMD_ROTATE or CMD_SETROTATE command would cause the co-processor to hang (REG_CMD_READ =/= REG_CMD_WRITE) in normal operation. but it would help to understand when you are trying to call this command and what you are trying to achieve by calling it. i.e. are you trying to rotate an image and inadvertently using SETROTATE or are you intending on rotating the full screen?

In any case a a co-processor hang can also be caused by a poorly formed SPI transaction being received by EVE, in this case it may still be worth checking the integrity of the QSPI signals to the BT81x. Could also confirm if you are still seeing intermittent rendering fails, and if these are mitigated by removing the call to TFT_qspi_cmd_rotate?

Best Regards,
BRT Community

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