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 on: March 09, 2024, 10:38:41 AM 
Started by TreeOone - Last post by TreeOone

I have Riverdy's EVE4 IPS 10.1" LCD TFT (type RVT101HVBNWC00-B), which is run by BT817Q.

I noticed that my application can not take full advantage of DL memory in BT817Q.

To further investigate the problem I wrote simple test program:

Code: [Select]
printf("\r\n ------------------------------------------------ \r\n");
uint32_t c = 1091;
//uint32_t c = 2038;

Gpu_Copro_SendCmd(phost, CMD_COLDSTART);
Gpu_Copro_SendCmd(phost, CMD_DLSTART);
Gpu_Copro_SendCmd(phost, CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(0, 0, 0));
Gpu_Copro_SendCmd(phost, CLEAR(1, 1, 1));

for(uint32_t i = 0; i < c; i++)
Gpu_Copro_SendCmd(phost, NOP());
//Gpu_Copro_SendCmd(phost, TAG(1));

Gpu_Copro_SendCmd(phost, COLOR_RGB(255, 0, 0));
Gpu_Copro_SendCmd(phost, VERTEX_FORMAT(3));
Gpu_Copro_SendCmd(phost, BEGIN(LINE_STRIP));
Gpu_Copro_SendCmd(phost, LINE_WIDTH(5 * 16));
Gpu_Copro_SendCmd(phost, VERTEX2F(10 * 8, 10 * 8));
Gpu_Copro_SendCmd(phost, VERTEX2F(500 * 8, 500 * 8));
Gpu_Copro_SendCmd(phost, END());

Gpu_Copro_SendCmd(phost, DISPLAY());
Gpu_Copro_SendCmd(phost, CMD_SWAP);

uint32_t reg_REG_CMD_DL = Gpu_Hal_Rd32 (phost, REG_CMD_DL);

printf("reg_REG_CMD_DL = %d        c = %d \r\n", reg_REG_CMD_DL, c);

If I run this program I can go with variable “c”, which is filling up DL memory with dummy NOP command up to value 1091. If “c” becomes 1092, red line on screen starts having artifacts.

Printf command for last stable c = 1091 returns:

reg_REG_CMD_DL = 4404        c = 1091

So here we have magical upper limit of DL’s memory at 4404 bytes. 

This is strange because DL's size should be 8191, according to manual.

Further tinkering revealed that if I fill DL’s memory with another dummy command like TAG(1) behaviour changes.

For instance if I remove lines of code (comment them):

uint32_t c = 1091;
Gpu_Copro_SendCmd(phost, NOP());

…and uncomment lines:
//uint32_t c = 2038;
//Gpu_Copro_SendCmd(phost, TAG(1));

…my test application behaves as expected. I can go with variable “c” up to 2038.

In this case printf returns:

reg_REG_CMD_DL = 8191        c = 2038

…for last stable “c”. For c = 2039 and above, screen turns black, i.e. DL’s memory overflows.

Can somebody explain this?

I my actual application I am not filling DL’s memory with dummy code like in above example, instead I am filling it up with graphics primitives (lines, dots, circles etc), however when DL’s fullness reaches 4404, display starts displaying gibberish.

 on: March 01, 2024, 12:47:48 AM 
Started by BRT Marketing - Last post by BRT Marketing
The Embedded Video Engine (EVE) by Bridgetek revolutionises graphics control, offering full-color Graphics, Touch, and Audio in one IC.
It's like a Graphics card with Touch Screen and Sound for any MCU.

Connect via SPI for easy integration into your design, ideal for updating older designs or creating new user-friendly interfaces.

Key Features:
  • Graphics: Enhance UI with color displays
  • Touch: Intuitive control with touch screen
  • Audio: Play various tones with minimal MCU effort

Start with our development modules:

For comprehensive understanding and support, visit our revamped page covering EVE's capabilities, including comparison tables and guidance on display, touch, and audio functionalities:

Learn more about our EVEs through this comparison table: *
*Copy and paste this link if you face trouble navigating to it.

 on: February 29, 2024, 08:53:30 PM 
Started by Cyrilou - Last post by BRT Community
Yes, unlike the compressed png/jpg formats, the compressed file for an inflate could have different types of content and so there will not be standard image data in all cases. As Rudolph mentioned, since you will create the file in most cases, you can include our own header containing the details before compressing, and then when using it in EVE, you can parse that after inflating it (and then exclude that header data when you display the resulting raw image in EVE).

Best Regards, BRT Community

 on: February 29, 2024, 05:21:47 PM 
Started by Cyrilou - Last post by Rudolph
CMD_INFLATE "only" unpacks data so the only information you can get additionally is the end address using CMD_GETPTR and therefore you could calculate the size of the uncompressed file.
So what you could do is to add extra information in front or after the data before compressing it.

 on: February 29, 2024, 02:41:01 PM 
Started by jlewis - Last post by BRT Community

Regarding the issue with your text, your matrix will be getting applied to the following items too and so one suggestion is to revert the matrix to the identity matrix again via
before you proceed to draw the other items such as text which you do not want to be rotated,

Best Regards, BRT Community

 on: February 26, 2024, 03:40:05 AM 
Started by BRT Marketing - Last post by BRT Marketing
🌟 FAQs for the HVAC Controls Design Engineers: Crafting Intuitive Touch Interfaces with EVE! 💡
Did you know that our Embedded Video Engines (EVE) offers innovative touch tagging and tracking features to enhance your HMI/UI design process?
Here are some FAQs to help you along your journey:
✨ What touch features does EVE have to help the designer when creating their user interface? Answers here:
✨ How can I use EVE features to help make the touch interface more user friendly? Answers here:
✨ Do I need to use the built-in widgets for my user interface design?
Answers here:
Explore more FAQs like this on our website:

 on: February 22, 2024, 10:16:44 PM 
Started by jlewis - Last post by jlewis
Another ping.  Would love some help on why after CMD_ROTATEAROUND and CMD_SETMATRIX I can't see any new text I add to the Coprocessor command list.

 on: February 22, 2024, 11:11:27 AM 
Started by Cyrilou - Last post by Cyrilou

I written in EVE flash blob file, map file and a zlib image that can be variable.

I inflate image in RAM_G, but when I use CMD_SETBITMAP to display it, I must know Height and Width properties that can be variables.

How can I get this properties, since CMD_GETPROPS doesn't work on  CMD_INFLATE but on CMD_LOADIMAGE?? :-\

 on: February 22, 2024, 08:54:23 AM 
Started by sjasz - Last post by brtchip.truongly

The frames are extracted from the GIF using FFMPEG internally. FFMPEG duplicates frames within timestamp gaps based on the output frame rate. Adding "-vsync 0" to the FFMPEG command will preserve the original number of frames in the GIF. This fix will be included in the next version, EAB v2.11.


 on: February 22, 2024, 06:47:11 AM 
Started by fluidcontrol - Last post by brtchip.truongly

Please note that the flash chip can still be accessed for reading and writing even without a blob.
Upon successful erasure, the flash chip will be detected as "Blob is NOT present."

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