But that is just a theory for the moment, I am not entirely sure that the 40x40 pixels the font
converter outputs is really the size of the glyph.
The font convertor will take into account all character sizes in the input character set but doesn't not alter the glyph size for each individual character. For example, some characters may extend below the normal font baseline, and some may extend above the average character height, this is taken into account when setting the overall glyph width and height for all characters, so each glyph may be 40*40 but the given character within this glyph may not utilise the full 40*40 pixel size.
Well, that wasn't the question.
The question is if the width and heigth the font converter is reporting is actually the size of the bitmaps
as this looks like this is not necessarily the case:
Generated Folder: NotoSansSC-Regular_36_Extend
Compressed: thorough
Layout Width: 80
Layout Height: 8
Pixel Width: 40
Pixel Height: 64
Generated Folder: NotoSansSC-Regular_36_Extend
Compressed: thorough
Layout Width: 64
Layout Height: 8
Pixel Width: 40
Pixel Height: 40
The same font converted to the same target size should not have a height of 64 for ASTC 8x8 and
a height of 40 for ASTC 10x5.
Using a smaller size I get this:
Generated Folder: NotoSansSC-Regular_32_Extend
Compressed: thorough
Layout Width: 64
Layout Height: 5
Pixel Width: 32
Pixel Height: 40
And the only reason I am asking is that knowing the sizes of the glyphs in bytes helps with setting up the fontcache.
Well, maybe that is something that the font converter could output in addition, bytes per glyph.
As a side note, I wish we had more than 32 bitmap-handles and could setup/query more than one font cache. 
I believe this is being looked at for future EVE revisions.
Best Regards,
BRT Community
Not that I am unhappy with BT817 but nice.

If I were asked, I would have a few more ideas to add.