I'm using ESD and sometimes fonts or ESD_images are truncated when I'm doing slide animations.
I've localized where is the problem:
In file Esd_Render_Bitmap.c:
void Esd_CoDl_Bitmap_Vertex(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint8_t handle, uint16_t cell)
EVE_HalContext *phost = Esd_GetHost();
if ((EVE_CHIPID >= EVE_FT810) && (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= 512 || y >= 512))
EVE_CoDl_vertexFormat(phost, 0);
EVE_CoDl_bitmapHandle(phost, handle);
Esd_CoDl_PagedBitmapSource(handle, cell >> 7);
EVE_CoDl_cell(phost, cell & 0x7F);
EVE_CoCmd_dl(phost, VERTEX2F(x, y));
Esd_CoDl_PagedBitmapSource(handle, cell >> 7);
EVE_CoCmd_dl(phost, VERTEX2II(x, y, handle, cell));
When I comment VERTEX2II part of code, bitmap are not truncated, otherwise I loose bottom of the bitmap randomly with slide animations.
How can we explain this? Is something missing in dl commands?