Thank you for the example. That trick works well. I brought up an additional question though. Here is your example with two new lines added:
CLEAR(1, 1, 1)
CMD_ROMFONT(1,34) //Load the settings of built-in font 34 into bitmap handle 1
BITMAP_SIZE(NEAREST, BORDER,BORDER, 0,0) //Update the visible area of bitmap handle 1 to the maximum
CMD_TRANSLATE(4128768, 3276800)
CMD_SETMATRIX() //Configure transform matrix of bitmap
VERTEX2II(77, 10, 1, 'a') // <-- "a" does not display (you can test this by moving it down below the CMD_TEXT line)
CMD_TEXT(77, 111, 1, 0, "TEST-ROTATED") //Draw the text to be rotated
VERTEX2II(177, 10, 1, 'b') // <-- "b" displays
CMD_SETMATRIX() //Restore transform matrix of bitmap
CMD_ROMFONT(1,34) //Re-load the setting of built-in font 34 into bitmap handle 1 to restore the visible area to normal
CMD_TEXT(100, 313, 1, 0, "TEST-Normal") //Draw the normal text
The new lines (ex: VERTEX2II(177, 10, 1, 'b')) draw a char using its bitmap. The first one does not work, but the second one does. What does the CMD_TEXT command to that allows the bitmaps to be displayed?
Thank you,