there are 2 different blobs: "bt815.blob" and "bt817.blob" in the EVE Asset Builder. What is the difference between them? I am interested in a feature list, which requires the bt817 blob instead of the bt815 blob when used with a BT817 chip.
If my tests were correct it seems that the bt815.blob is compatible with BT815 and with BT817 (both go successfully into full mode), but bt817.blob seems to just be compatible with BT817 and if used with a BT815 it does not go into full mode.
I am asking that because I am using both BT815 and BT817 in production and would like to share the same external flash data for both. So it seems to work fine for be when just using the bt815.blob, but I would like to know if there are any disadvantages for the BT817 in that case.