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Author Topic: Modbus (Over TCP or RTU) On FT900... Any suggestion to start with?  (Read 5589 times)


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Hi everyone,
I developed some time ago with FT900 a pair of projects, one of them had LWIP installed w/o RTOS.
I'm in charge of choosing something to work with, and I'm trying to understand if FT900 is the correct MCU.
I have another choice, but FT900 might be a good "balanced" solution if I can port modbus

My goal is converting from modbus on RS485 AND CanBUS AND "something over ethernet" (say, a simple webpage) AND GPIO and Analogical In/Out in both ways

CanBus is not a problem, neither GPIO nor AIO, and Webpage can be under control reusing old code., but I've no clues on Modbus, neither RTU nor over TCP

Did anybody do something in that direction? Can I find a "port" for FT900?

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Re: Modbus (Over TCP or RTU) On FT900... Any suggestion to start with?
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2024, 04:24:55 PM »


Thank you for your post.

Unfortunately we do not have any Modbus specific examples available, but hopefully one of the community members may be able to provide some insight.

In general you will be able to utilise the UART interface, with an appropriate line driver for the RS485 signal levels to implement your Modbus interface.

Please let us know if you have any specific questions. 

Best Regards,
BRT Community