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Author Topic: SOLVED - EAB, ASTC output files: how can I see the content of a ".raw" file?  (Read 16471 times)


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I would like to open and see, in my PC, the .raw files generated by EVE Asset Builder. This is intended as an utility or checking tool.

For every image I convert with EAB, using ASTC format without compression, I get a bunch of output files. I trash them all, except the .raw, which is the only one I'm interested in, because it will be later copied into the external flash of the BT81x.

I rename the .raw files so the name contains the compression scheme and dimensions. For example, "Icon STOP 4x32x32.raw" means that the contained image is 32x32 with ASTC format 4x4.

The program in my board uses the (modified) filename to load the image, and all works well.

Now I am trying to write a PC program to view those .raw files on my PC. I noticed that the .raw file is 16 bytes shorter than the companion .astc file. This means that the .raw file does not contain the standard astc file header, but I am able to generate this header. So I create a temporary file containing the re-generated header, append the .raw file, and open it with tacentview (a PC program able to display ASTC files).

The image loads, but it is wrong. Inspecting the .raw and the .astc file, I notice that they contain the same data, but in different order. I suppose this is required for the EVE chip BT81x.

My question is: how can I reorder the .raw data, to reconstruct the original .astc file so I am able to view it on the PC? Or, to turn differently the question, what does the EAB to convert an .astc file to a .raw file? (It seems EAB uses astenc.exe, and then, probably, converts the .astc to a .raw file).

This utility would be useful because, without that, I have to keep the original files associated with every .raw file I generate. I.E. if I want to check an image used in my board, I cannot open it directly, I have to keep a "companion" original file (be it the associated .astc or the JPG/PNG I started from).

Thanks in advance to anybody can help me, regards,
« Last Edit: March 22, 2024, 10:34:00 AM by linuxfan »


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Re: EAB, ASTC output files: how can I see the content of a ".raw" file?
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2024, 06:07:41 AM »

Really nobody can give me a hint?

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Re: EAB, ASTC output files: how can I see the content of a ".raw" file?
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2024, 04:56:59 PM »


Thank you for your question, I have queried the development team on the relationship between the .astc and .raw outputs when performing an ASTC image conversion.

You can find the astcec.exe utility and eab_tools.exe utility within the installation folder for EAB, generally this is in the following location:

C:\Users\Public\Documents\EVE Asset Builder\tools

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Re: EAB, ASTC output files: how can I see the content of a ".raw" file?
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2024, 05:46:16 AM »

Thank you for your interest.

In fact, my customers already use eab_tools in batch mode, controlled by a custom program written by me.

Problem is, when they send me a converted file to check, I can not see it; and I don't want to ask my customers to send me the source files.

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Re: EAB, ASTC output files: how can I see the content of a ".raw" file?
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2024, 12:03:25 PM »


Unfortunately the development team are unable to share the methodology used to produce the .raw file form the ASTC file at this moment in time.

However it is possible to view .raw files within our EVE Screen Editor utility directly, by adding the .raw file as content, after whihc you can click and drag this onto the screen to generate preview.

Please see the attached screen shot of a .raw file from an 4x4 ASTC conversion being previewed in EVE Screen Editor.

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Thank you for this idea - didn't come to my mind.