Hi everyone,
I'm using BT815 and need to display a camera on it. I read your FT91x camera application note and ordered the OV5640.
All settings were set in your example and I can see all signals, also, get the HAL_DCMI_VsyncEventCallback, HAL_DCMI_LineEventCallback interrupt callback after started the transfer.
Another example different from yours it can get full data and its data seems meaningful.
However, with your example I can't get any data the buffer, it's always empty.
I start the DCMI module with that command HAL_DCMI_Start_DMA(&hdcmi, DCMI_MODE_CONTINUOUS, (uint32_t)buffer, 512);
What's the DMA buffer length for BT815 to display camera? Could you give me an example of using a camera with STM32 or any ARM MCU?