Hello, I am Trying to flash a new firmware for the capacitive touch controller. I am using the BT815 with the EVE Asset Builder 2.2.
I was not successfull with my code in the first place, I sniffed the I2C traffic between the BT815 and the touch controller and it did not address and send the correct data.
That's why I tried to simplify it by removing the whole I2C communication and just reporting static values to the BT815. This is the code I am compiling:
int i2c_addr()
return 0x38; // does not matter for my test
int setup()
void loop()
report_touch(0, 400, 300);
delay_ms(5); // also tried without those delays and with id 1 as well
report_touch(0, 200, 100);
which results in this:
But when I try to get the touch values (the raw ones from REG_TOUCH_RAW_XY) I just get x: 0, y: 0 or x: 65535, y: 65535.
I can see that the BT815 is not communicating via I2C anymore, so the transfer of the firmware seems to work at least in some parts.
I have also a few more questions:
- is the response of int i2c_addr() used over the one in REG_TOUCH_CONFIG (REG_CYA_TOUCH) or which one is priorized?
- is it possible to configure the I2C frequency?
For uploading the Firmware my code looks like this:
Gpu_Hal_WrCmdBuf(host, TOUCH_DATA, sizeof(TOUCH_DATA));
I tried it right after GPU_ACTIVE_M in setup and also after getting the BT815 ID via REG_ID.
I also tried to reset the touch component with Gpu_Hal_Wr32(host, REG_CPURESET, 2); followed by Gpu_Hal_Wr32(host, REG_CPURESET, 0);
The real code which I tried to compile and run at the first place is this one:
int i2c_addr()
return 0x41;
int setup()
void loop()
while (getINT() == 1) // wait for INT to go low
int n_touches = i2c_read8();
int touch_index = 0;
int x_raw;
while (touch_index < n_touches) {
x_raw = i2c_read16le();
report_touch(touch_index, i2c_read16le(), x_raw & 0x3fff);
touch_index = touch_index + 1;
It would be nice, if there are some more information about updating the touch firmware or if someone could test the firmware on top to check if the uploading is the problem.
If it helps I can also provied sniffed I2C traffic of one of the compiled firmwares.