After quite some pain with MCUXpresso itself and the K32 SDK from NXP it starts to work now.
I have a project that I can not yet share here since it currently compresses to 522k.
For now I just share what I have in the "source" drawer of that project, everything else is added by MCUXpresso.
I currently have a RiTFT43 attached to and adapter-board and that adapter-board to the FRDM-K32L2B3.
And it works, including touch.
Writing this, thinking about why I did not connect the RVT70H, I may be even able to do that as well,
all I really need to do for it is to suply the backlight with an extra PSU.
But apart from the electrical issue I fully expect it to work.
The extra code for my library is here: is my current working branch and it expects the define for the display to be used to be set externally.
So in this case I added the symbol (-D) "EVE_RiTFT43" in the project settings and will change that to "EVE_RVT70H".
More specifically the only part that actually is changed is EVE_target.h, line 1153 has a section now for
the K32L2B31VLH0A controller that is on the FRDM-K32L2B3 board.
There is no DMA support, yet.
And the functions spi_transmit() and spi_receive() have both a register based version and a sdk driver version with the register based version active for spi_transmit() and the sdk driver version active for spi_receive().
The difference is ~680ns for the bare-metal version to ~1.4µs for the sdk version.
Not a bad result for the sdk driver, I have seen way worse, but not really good either.
And the need to use SPI_GetStatusFlags() when calling SPI_WriteData() and SPI_ReadData() is odd.
So adding 120 lines is all it took to "port" my library to the K32L2B3 and not even half of that is really code.
There will be some more to support DMA but not by much.
Edit: I just tried it with the external PSU and it works with the RVT70H as well. :-)