Hi Geethanjali,
Yes, as you mentioned Rudolph, there are a few steps needed to start-up EVE correctly including setting the clock settings (if you need them to be different from default) and then the active command followed by the read of REG_ID and awaiting the REG_CPU_RESET == 0;
There is a recommended start-up in the Programmers guide for whichever version of EVE which you use and also in the sample code and so you can use these for reference.
Here is an example waveform attached where we read the REG_ID. This is a BT816 in this case,
We take CS low to begin the transfer,
Then send the three byte address of REG_ID from the programmers guide with the most significant 2 bits as '0' which indicates to EVE that we are doing a read
Then send a dummy 0x00 byte (this only applies when doing a read)
And then a dummy 0x00 byte to get the result back. We are only interested in the data coming back on MISO
And finally, CS high again to end the transfer
Best Regards, BRT Community