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Author Topic: EAB problem with astcenc.exe  (Read 11431 times)


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EAB problem with astcenc.exe
« on: April 09, 2024, 10:44:39 PM »

For some reason I seem unable to run astcenc.exe supplied with EAB. I just get an error code "Error when run astcenc.exe tool!"
I tried installing in default 'documents' directory, in program files x86 and also under c:\  All with the same result. I also tried running as administrator, same result again.

I downloaded a generic astcenc.exe for windows and copied in place. This works but the display shows pink/purple dots at the bottom of the image.

Any suggestion on why the supplied astcenc doesn't work, or suggest an alternative version to try which won't show the incorrect dots.

A separate issue to note, the image conversion tool doesn't read the alpha channel from a 32 bit ARGB .bmp image and generates a non tranparent image in ARGB555 or compressed form. A .png works fine so not a problem to convert in a paint package first.

Many thanks.

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Re: EAB problem with astcenc.exe
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2024, 03:39:55 PM »


Thank you for your post.

There are different versions of the astcenc.exe file available, some versions including the version distributed with EVE Asset Builder require AVX2 support in your CPUs instruction set.

Could you take a screen of the CPU-Z output for your machine?
Could you also attach the .bmp file that you were trying to convert so that we can test this?

Best Regards,
BRT Community
« Last Edit: April 16, 2024, 11:21:03 AM by BRT Community »


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Re: EAB problem with astcenc.exe
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2024, 05:25:16 AM »


Can you please try the command line mode by clicking the "Command Prompt" button in the left side panel?
NOTE: Use option -x to specify the path to astcenc.exe

eab_tools img_cvt -i D:/flower-red.bmp -f 15 -o D:/work_space/output -e thorough -x path/to/astcenc.exe

Another way is to check the astcenc.exe supplied by EAB.
astcenc.exe -cl  path/to/image.png  path/to/output.astc 5x5 -fast


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Re: EAB problem with astcenc.exe
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2024, 08:57:23 AM »

Thanks for the replies.

I suspect the first post hit the nail on the head, I use a fairly old toughbook in the lab as it has a bigger screen than the newer ones which is easier on the eyes. I re-installed on a newer laptop and the supplied one works.

The bad news is that the supplied astcenc is doing exactly the same.

I'm suspecting the problem is that this application is for custom dials so solid lines and text with sharp edges and high contrast. Not ideal for compressed graphics but there are 2.2MB in ARGB555 format. I was assuming I could display direct from flash as stated in the data sheet however when searching forums to solve the issues it has become apparent this is not the case. There should be a warning in the data sheet than only a few small graphics can be displayed direct from flash.

The workaround at the moment is to display the one causing major issues, a large needle with rotation applied, in ARGB555 which takes up 600K and then use higher compression on the remainder and crop the bottoms of the images to hide the artifacts. The customer is complaining that the graphics are looking rather fuzzy like this though.

Are there any suggested optimisation switches for astcenc to make it more suitable for this type of image ?

The only other route I can try is uncompressed / palleted to reduce the image size since there aren't a great deal of colours. Not a route I want to go as it will be more work and restrictive for future changes.

I'm under an NDA so can't post the images on here. It may be I can create something similar myself which shows the same problem.

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Re: EAB problem with astcenc.exe
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2024, 03:36:24 PM »


Thank you for the update, I'm glad to hear you can resolve the astcenc.exe issue.

Would you be able to provide the Conversion settings utilised in your testing? Along with the image dimensions for the needle image?

Best Regards,
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Re: EAB problem with astcenc.exe
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2024, 08:01:58 PM »

The needle is 600(W)x530(H) It is a red needle going vertically from about 300px down from top plus a filled circular centre area in grey. The remainder is transparent. The overall size allows the needle to display through about 270 degrees with a rotation matrix applied. (Rotated images appear to be cropped outside the original rectangular bitmap size if not rotated).

It appears that the whole area below the image comes out as pink which shows in the opposite top corner when the needle is pointing to the bottom left or bottom right. I will try making the image bigger to see if this solves this issue.

The settings for image conversion are BT81x (using at BT817) and exhaustive (tried all and get the same result).
For the flash utility Data alignment is ticked as is insert EDF block.
I've so far tried 4x4, 5x5 and 8x8 formats. Each one has differences in artifacts.

The binary file is copied to the flash as-is. The blob appears to work as the flash switches to fast ok.

On start up, each image is copied to RAM starting on a 4K boundary for each. Padding is ignored at this stage as the images all start on a 4K boundary.
