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Discussion - EVE / Re: Multiple Buttons Question
« on: August 04, 2021, 03:36:29 PM »

Thank you for your post.

I recreated your display list in EVE Screen Editor and it appears as everything is tagged correctly, the first button = 10, second button = 11, the numbers printed on the screen are tag =1. Im currently setting up an MCU to test your code. but I will not it is not necessary to have two separate tag variables, you could perform one read "EVE_memRead8(REG_TOUCH_TAG);" and use this value in one switch() statement.

Can I ask if the EVE_OPT_FLAT state changes for the second button after it has been pressed? by your description it appears as if the toggle_state2 variable is not getting reset to 0.
It may be worth stepping this code in the debugger if to see what's happening with these variables.

Best Regards,
BRT Community


Thanks for the tips on font sizes 32 to 34, not sure how I missed that - these larger sizes are very useful.

Regards limit of 255 font size in EAB, this size is very close to what I need, so will make do with it, though I'm sure others would find it useful to be able to go larger particularly when converting symbol based fonts. Would it be possible to also extend EAB by having the option to specify font size by pixel height as well ?

Kind regards

I will suggest this as a feature update for EAB to the development team.

Best Regards,
BRT Community


Unfortunately it is not possible to scale the inbuilt fonts in an efficient manner, we would recommend converting these to a larger point size with the font conversion tool.
I can provide the details on the font files used for the inbuilt fonts if desired.

And yes currently the largest conversion possible in EAB is 255, is this too small for your application?

Best Regards,
BRT Community

Discussion - EVE / Re: center text vertically with OPT_FILL
« on: July 23, 2021, 02:31:24 PM »
Yes sorry just realized the center point wasn't in the image,

Here it is, the blue circle is at (200,200) which is also the coordinate for the text,

Best Regards, BRT Community

General Discussion / Re: Creating table with rows and columns
« on: July 22, 2021, 03:57:31 PM »

Here is that small example,

Note that this is a basic example without lots of error checking etc. and has only had basic testing so far but but might give you some ideas or be a starting point,

There are lots of ways to draw a table but this one uses just a series of rectangles,

As with the earlier post, it draws a background rectangle the size of the entire table and then draws a series of rectangles inside (one for each cell) with gaps between which become the lines of the table. The functions do the calculations to keep the main code simpler, but are mainly just adding up the dimensions of everything to the left or above the cell currently being drawn so we can work out where to position it.

Using lines or line strip may be easier but using rectangles offers the ability to make the table a bit more attractive. You can add alpha levels etc. to customise the table and cells can be different colours etc.

For really fancy tables, bitmaps may be good.

We'll be using this example along with a better description in an upcoming appnote but hope it helps in the meantime,

Best Regards, BRT Community


Code: [Select]
#define TABLE_ORIGIN_X 100
#define TABLE_ORIGIN_Y 100
#define TABLE_CELL_WIDTH 100

// Draws table outline based on the number of columns and rows e.g. (2,2) draws outline for a 2 x 2 table
void DrawTableOutline(uint8_t NumColumns, uint8_t NumRows)
uint32_t TABLE_TL_X = 0;
uint32_t TABLE_TL_Y = 0;
uint32_t TABLE_BR_X = 0;
uint32_t TABLE_BR_Y = 0;




// Adds a table cell. Note that it is 0-based and so (0,0) is the top left cell
void DrawTableCell(uint8_t column, uint8_t row)
uint32_t TABLE_CELL_TL_X = 0;
uint32_t TABLE_CELL_TL_Y = 0;
uint32_t TABLE_CELL_BR_X = 0;
uint32_t TABLE_CELL_BR_Y = 0;



// Gets X coordinate of the center of a specified cell (pass in the column number in 0-based format e.g. 1 is the second column)
uint32_t GetCellCentreX(uint8_t column)
uint32_t TABLE_CELL_CENTER_X = 0;



// Gets Y coordinate of the center of a specified cell (pass in the row number in 0-based format e.g. 1 is the second row)
uint32_t GetCellCentreY(uint8_t row)
uint32_t TABLE_CELL_CENTER_Y = 0;



void eve_display(void)

// Begin rectangles with line width 1*16

// Draw the table outline in white
EVE_COLOR_RGB(255, 255, 255);
DrawTableOutline(2, 2);

// Draw the cells for a 2 x 2 table
// Cell numbers are 0-based
EVE_COLOR_RGB(0, 0, 255);
DrawTableCell(0, 0); // Draw top-left cell
DrawTableCell(0, 1); // Draw bottom-left cell
DrawTableCell(1, 0); // Draw top-right cell
DrawTableCell(1, 1); // Draw bottom-right cell


// Add numerical values in black text
// Use the GetCellCentre functions and enable the EVE_OPT_CENTER
EVE_COLOR_RGB(0, 0, 0);
EVE_CMD_NUMBER(GetCellCentreX(0), GetCellCentreY(0), 30, EVE_OPT_CENTER, 100);
EVE_CMD_NUMBER(GetCellCentreX(0), GetCellCentreY(1), 30, EVE_OPT_CENTER, 200);
EVE_CMD_NUMBER(GetCellCentreX(1), GetCellCentreY(0), 30, EVE_OPT_CENTER, 300);
EVE_CMD_NUMBER(GetCellCentreX(1), GetCellCentreY(1), 30, EVE_OPT_CENTER, 400);



Discussion - EVE / Re: center text vertically with OPT_FILL
« on: July 22, 2021, 03:21:14 PM »

We tried this with Comic Sans but we were not able to see the issue (please see the attached image, which was tested on a BT817).

Were there any particular factors which seemed to cause the issue (such as a specific font or other setting)

Best Regards, BRT Community

General Discussion / Re: Creating table with rows and columns
« on: July 20, 2021, 04:51:41 PM »

There are many ways to create a table. This could be using the built in graphic objects like lines and line strip to make the table. Or you could load an image if you wanted the table to have a particular theme (as you can then add text on top of a bitmap).

You can make it using a series of rectangles. As the rectangles are filled, you can draw two rectangles (the inner one slightly smaller) if you want just an outline.

Note: we used VERTEX2II here as the numbers are clearer (VERTEX2F uses *16 for each value as it uses 1/16th precision by default) but you can use VERTEX2F as it can use coordinates more than 511.
Also, we would recommend to use parameters instead of hard-coded widths etc. as it will make it easier to write the code,

We have a small code snippet of one way to do this too which is from a future appnote and so we can post that too

CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(255, 255, 255)
CLEAR(1, 1, 1)


// Draw the overall background in black
COLOR_RGB(0, 0, 0)
// Table origin is 0,0 and each cell will be 100 wide by 50 tall
VERTEX2II(0, 0, 0, 0)
VERTEX2II(209, 109, 0, 0)

// Now draw the cells in light blue
COLOR_RGB(85, 170, 255)

// Top-left cell
VERTEX2II(3, 3, 0, 0)   // +3 in X direction, +3 in Y direction (from top-left of table)
VERTEX2II(103, 53, 0, 0)   // +100 in X direction, +50 in Y direction

//Top-Right Cell
VERTEX2II(107, 3, 0, 0)   
VERTEX2II(207, 53, 0, 0)

VERTEX2II(3, 57, 0, 0)
VERTEX2II(103, 107, 0, 0)

VERTEX2II(107, 57, 0, 0)
VERTEX2II(207, 107, 0, 0)


COLOR_RGB(0, 0, 0)
CMD_NUMBER(55, 28, 30, OPT_CENTER, 100)
CMD_NUMBER(155, 28, 30, OPT_CENTER, 300)
CMD_NUMBER(55, 82, 30, OPT_CENTER, 200)
CMD_NUMBER(155, 82, 30, OPT_CENTER, 400)

Best Regards, BRT Community

General Discussion / Re: Keyboard Example
« on: July 19, 2021, 11:49:57 AM »

Can I get you to run the CMD_CALIBRATE routine at the beginning of your code? This will re-calibrate the touch registers and ensure touch's are registered correctly on the screen for the CMD_KEYS widget.

Best Regards,
BRT Community

Discussion - EVE / Re: ESD image rotate widget not rotating?
« on: July 13, 2021, 11:08:13 AM »

Hi BRT Community,
Thank you for you reply.  I want to confirm to see if I understand your comment correctly.  "You can reference the source for the CircularSlider widget." is this CircularSlider widget is available from ESD that I can review the source?
or is it from App Note?
Or is this a widget from EVE Screen Editor?
Thank you

The widget is included in EVE Screen Designer, and its source can be viewed from the project tab (see attached image).

Best Regards,
BRT Community

Discussion - EVE / Re: ESD image rotate widget not rotating?
« on: July 08, 2021, 04:26:38 PM »

I have looked into this and the project was not created in ESD

The gauge was drawn utilising a bitmap (for the gauge face) with an alpha channel for transparency. The gauge was filled utilising the stencilling functionality via the STENCL API command and several other lower level API commands such as POINTS and EDGE_STRIP_x.

Unfortunately there is no default widget in ESD which would provide such a gauge for you, however it should be possible to generate a custom widget to this effect. You can reference the source for the CircularSlider widget.

BRT Community,
I also looking for the information or the tutorial how to draw the partial circle to show the temperature, the progress of the task, the humidity etc... but I couldn't find any tutorial how to draw the partial circle.  The widgets offer the gauge but it is a complete circle and I would like to draw the interface at the same as this example link in the CES 2018 Smart Greenhouse Demonstration from Bridgetek.  Can you please help to point me to the information?

General Discussion / Re: Bitmap conversion
« on: July 08, 2021, 03:45:32 PM »

EVE Screen Editor is intended to be used to prototype display lists, it cannot be used to upload content to a microcontroller.

In general the idea is that you test a given display list in EVE Screen Editor, you can then utilise the same display list in the EVE Library you are using on your MCU.
Which type of MCU are you using? and have you chosen a library to use with this MCU or are you developing your own library?

In you need to generate any graphics assess such as a bitmap into an EVE readable format you can utilise our EVE Asset Builder utility:

Best Regards,
BRT Community


Thank you for your question.

I've tried to reproduce this behaviour, however I unfortunately do not have a 640x480 display to hand to test with, but I was able to reproduce this with a 800*480 display.

In general there is a finite bandwidth of the QSPI link from the BT81x to the Flash chip. When you render an image/font direct from flash, the data must be retrieved over QSPI within a certain time (related to the scan time for the row on the display) and if this retrieval takes too long then the line will be corrupted and you can see artefacts. We normally refer to this as underrun in EVE. This is likely the cause of the flickering you are seeing on the display.

This occurrence becomes more likely to happen if you have more data to retrieve for a given line on the display (note: only when you are utilising multiple lines of text).
This may be because of higher resolution or having more of the images/fonts on the same rows of the screen.
On BT815/6 we added a feature called adaptive frame rate which varies the PCLK and so can provide a longer time for scanning out a line by slowing it down and so gives us longer to retrieve the data and create the graphics. This requires that the LCD is compatible with this variation of PCLK and is for RGB displays. 
One BT817/8 there is also a new mode adaptive hsync which allows the device to increase the hcycle up to a specified value to give more time to render the line.
Therefore, our suggestions would be to overcome such a scenario would be:
1.       Turn on the adaptive frame rate if LCD supports it (BT815 and BT817)
2.       Turn on the adaptive HSync feature (BT817)
3.       Copy the image to RAM_G and render the ASTC image from RAM_G instead

I note that the .glyph size is too large to be copied into RAM_G and you are using the BT815 on this occasion, but does your LCD panel support AFR? If so can you give this a try?

Could you also ensure that the flash IC is in the FULL state, and not in the BASIC state as this may also be causing performance issues.

Best Regards,
BRT Community

Discussion - EVE / Re: Using flash for bitmaps
« on: July 05, 2021, 03:36:39 PM »

Thank you for the update, could I just clarify if you have changed any settings used during the conversion of the image?
I did notice some blocky-ness to the images when I was testing, however this was more central to the image. Are you only seeing this in one corner?

Could you try using for example a 4x4 ASTC conversion and let me know if this artefact is still persistent?

Best Regards,
BRT Community

General Discussion / Re: Bitmap conversion
« on: July 05, 2021, 12:22:53 PM »

Please see the attached image.
You can "Add" any graphics assets you wish to utilise in ESE via the content pane on the left hand side.

Once added to the project these will be automatically converted for use with EVE, you can edit any conversion options in the 'Properties' tab for a given asset on the left hand side of ESE.

Best Regards,
BRT Community

Hi David,
Just to update you, we tried your code and could see the same result, we're just investigating and will post an update soon,
Best Regards, BRT Community

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